Hello Friends! How are you? Are you getting used to this new way of life at home yet? I'm kinda digging it! At the Royder Household, we are doing our fair share of eating, and drinking, and eating, and did I mention drinking? I'm lucky that my hubs loves to grill. He got a green egg for his 50th birthday and I've hardly had to cook a dinner since. Although we can't frequent our favorite restaurants at this time, we sure are enjoying some amazing meals at home and I've been playing mixologist. Recently I asked my favorite foodies out there about their go to skinny margarita recipe. After testing them all, here is what we came up with......

The Perfect Skinny
1 shot 100% Pure Agave , Clear Tequila 1 shot fresh Lime Juice (Key Limes are my fave) 1/2 shot Patrón Citrónge
A dash of Agave Use a shaker to mix! This is super important! Pour over ice in a chili rimmed glass.Â
Add a splash of Topo Chico
And if you love a good Texas Martini, olives or jalapenos make it zesty!
Yesterday I added sliced cucumbers and it was perfect for patio time in the warm breeze.
Some women love their shoes or their handbags. Me....I love glassware and dishes! I mean I am obsessed!  Rose Ann Hall makes one of my favorite go to glassware for patio time. Inspired by the beautiful hand blown and cut glass made in Mexico by artisans, Rose Ann Hall's glasses are not only gorgeous, but super durable. They are thick and heavy! Not to sound beaujy, but a cocktail in a plastic glass just isn't the same. These little pretties make you feel like you're sitting on a terrace in beautiful San Miguel de Allende. Tip: If you wash your dish towels with your other household laundry, don't dry your glassware with them. There is nothing worse than a wine glass smelling like the household dog! Wash all kitchen towels separately from your other household laundry and make sure your glasses don't smell like your teenagers gym socks! Something about the outdoors makes those smells stronger and its a definite no-no to smell Fido when I'm sipping from a wine glass on the patio. Â
Finally, I can't leave out my long time friend red wine. I'm often seen with a generous sized glass of cab in hand and a great big smile on my face. We grill a lot of garlicky lamb chops and thick, rare steaks with a good crust. I love to serve with a creamy Caesar salad, heavy on the avocado chunks, and a side of buttery, mashed cauliflower. Current faves at the moment that can all be found at your local HEB, Jordan Cabernet (always smooth and super balanced). My newest fave, and much more affordable, Titus Cabernet. Preston, my local wine guy at HEB, suggested we try it and it was a very, very pleasant surprise! Consistently yummy and hands down my current house wine. I've had a lot of friends text me about Bonanza. Another very affordable wine to HEB, but a little more on the fruit forward side for me. BTW, a huge shout out to HEB for being the most amazing grocery store during this crisis. We love you HEB!!!
So hopefully, I've made your mouth water, made you a little thirsty, and inspired you to try some swanky good food at home with the family. There is no doubt this time is all about being present in the moment and getting in some fabulous family time. I'd love to see pics and hear about what amazing meals you are making at home! Don't be afraid to spoil yourself and your loved ones! Be sure to send us your favorite recipes & pics to info@carlaroyderdesigns.com.
Cheers!!! Â
Carla H. Royder